Forum Sundays III
A few years ago I decided to marathon all of the Star Trek: TNG episodes and share my thoughts. I went crazy a couple seasons in. And you can follow along right here! Thread also features general talk about all …
A few years ago I decided to marathon all of the Star Trek: TNG episodes and share my thoughts. I went crazy a couple seasons in. And you can follow along right here! Thread also features general talk about all …
It’s been awhile, so I figured I’d marathon the various versions of Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Finney’s delicious little silver age sci-fi novel has spawned four official sequels so far. The original, of course, is a classic tale of …
by Lonnie Martin (AKA Rotting Corpse) Dear Fox Television, Look, I’m not going to Monday morning quarterback how you screwed up Terra Nova. I won’t mention how you thought you had a sure thing (which, by the way, you should …
Five Ways to Fix Terra Nova (Though It’s Probably Doomed Anyway) Read more »
Well, here we go again. Sci-fi TV continues its slow death spiral with Outcasts — BBC’s new post-apocalypse sci-fi. It’s the replacement for the horrible Survivors remake, which the Beeb cancelled after the second series. Thankfully.
I’ve been pining for out of print sci-fi shit for awhile on the forums.
One of my favorite scenes in the classic Star Trek is when Abraham Lincoln appears and calls Uhura a “charming nigress.” He’s politely informed that such language isn’t used anymore, and everyone is equal in the future, and all that …
In an attempt to waste as much time as possible, I spent today writing up a little thing in the forums: One season sci fi wonders. Shows that never were, I suppose. Canceled after a handful of episodes, they’re all …
Well, since I wrote about it yesterday, it’s time for a trip report. Mainly because I’m waiting on my friend Lonnie who called an hour ago and gave me some weak excuse about being late. The plan was for him …