Storm’s Comin’

Another blog I subscribe to is the Capital Weather Gang, the Washington Post’s weather blog.  I don’t bother getting my weather from them, I just think it’s a fun blog because they always seem to be bored.  Every once in a while, they kind of lose their minds.

I can imagine how weather is boring.  It didn’t used to be.  All through my youth and into the 90’s, it was loads of fun…mainly because you didn’t get the weather every 15 goddamned minutes.  These frequent weather reports we get on the 24 hour channels, and on the radio, seem to be directed by my grandfather.  Storm’s comin’!  Still comin’!  Gonna be a big one!  Still comin’!  We’re gonna flooooood!  Power’s gonna go off!  That’s a big one brewin’!  That’s gonna be a real buster!  Oh, it must have passed to the north of us.

My uncle and I have a fairly complicated “Storm’s Comin’!” drinking game.

2 Comments on “Storm’s Comin’

  1. “My uncle and I have a fairly complicated “Storm’s Comin’!” drinking game.”

    Which you obviously need to detail here before winter.