A Memory of Snails
I was struck by a sudden memory from my youth the other night, as I walked by two young girls and their cheap, fragile toys that had been scattered across a public sidewalk.
I was struck by a sudden memory from my youth the other night, as I walked by two young girls and their cheap, fragile toys that had been scattered across a public sidewalk.
Last night, I decided that I was going to hang myself. Not anytime soon, and for no particular reason, I just had the sudden realization that it was the way I wanted to go. I’ll wait till I start to …
You know what I hate the most about the internet? It’s that it makes it difficult to kill time.
“G.I. Joe.” Just generically G.I. Joe. No specific character. I think that’s weird, looking back, but whatever. (Early 80’s.)
I recently noticed that my primary Gmail account is using 50% of the allotted space, which means I have an alarming number of emails sitting around. Most of them can be trashed, so I decided to be productive and go …
Red Line, Shady Grove. An empty train waiting for me at the Silver Spring stop, the morning commute already hot and sweaty. On my way into Union Station, I take a seat on the sun-side so I can watch an …
Just to confirm that I’m a loser, I’ve been doing this thing for the last four years that I call “Sci-Fi Saturday.” I wake up early, brew up a huge pot of good coffee, make Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls (which have …
Call me spoiled, but I like to take around six weeks off in a big block every year and just get my feet off of America. Typically I fly out and bedevil my friends in the UK. This summer, money …
Much to my shame, I spent an enormous amount of money putting my way through college so I could earn a BA in history, which will get me about as far as just leaving all my application forms blank when …