Greatsociety Online
So I’ve decided to do this stupid Twitter thing. Follow my feeble whining right here.
I’m also on Facebook and horribly addicted to Farmville. Here’s the link for my FB freakout party spot. BYOB.
Both will be handy links if GS ever goes down and, generally, if you want more active updates. I should be writing for the front page, I know. Maybe I’ll just do “collected Facebook updates” or something. I find myself buried in a new novel project. It’s about teenage Vampire werewolf zombie metrosexual classical musicians who play nude badminton and are all mauled by a pack of rabid dogs on the first page. The 320 pages after that are a detailed description of how each character was brutally killed, eaten, and left to rot in a train tunnel.
I masturbate furiously while writing it and spill my devilish seed on each page. Just like Stephanie Meyer. Except she doesn’t have seeds… So she spills her devilish eggs, I guess. Which makes me want deviled eggs. So tonight I’ll dream about feasting on deviled eggs as they slowly pop out of Stephanie Meyer. Just like her novels.