The Starlost

If you’re crippled by a love of really bad sci-fi like me, there’s some good news today:  The Starlost series is coming out, and it’s only 25 bucks on Amazon. Here’s the link where, if you buy it, you can support GS, because this site is sure worth it and…yeah.

I had planned to talk more about Starlost in the coming weeks, along with a few other dreadful 70’s shows, so this is a nice coincidence.  I’m not even within a mile of putting that article together, but I’m so excited by this dreadful piece of shit being released on DVD that I just need to, you know, post about it on the internet.

(Actually, I’m lying, I posted a version of the article in the forums a while ago and I’m just going to steal it.  But I’m so lazy, even that takes too much effort. Maybe the coming 800 minutes of agony I’ll subject myself to when the DVD arrives will inspire me to be more proactive.  Or to shoot myself.)