Introduction to “Frozen”

The 12,000 words a month project. An exercise in the discipline of writing (putting together a beginning, middle, and end) in the somewhat longer form.  My plan is to try and get myself to the point where I am able to sit down on a long project and not meander, or give up, or simply trail off into blathering nonsense.

I’m actually a little bit ahead of myself.  Frozen was written in December, and I’m currently struggling with the fourth installment in this project.
So far, these first three installments have been pretty easy.  Finzel and Season of the Witch launched from old ideas – notes in the margin where the characters and story ideas had previously lived, though in no substantial way.  Frozen was mostly written during a 10 hour shift at my weekend job on December 12th.  A long rant, really.

Not quite happy with the first three, I set out in late December to introduce some complications to the project – the telling of a story, within the limitations of four 3000 word chapters.  And now I’m in the troubled waters where I gave up on one project and started another and both now sit idle at 1000 words each.

We’ll see what comes together…

Frozen has no previous influences or margin scribblings or unused ideas.  I decided to just fire it off and let the story guide me.  For each of the projects, I try to introduce a few challenges.  Frozen’s challenge was to tell a story where the character has no real interaction with anyone else.

Part one will be up next week at this time.