Friday Zen: Obligatory WTF Japan Video
1914. “Dog wearing dress, posed with miniature violin and sheet music on stand.” Playing the Inverted Waltz. Photo by Harry Whittier Frees. Note to readers: To pose the puppy…he had to kill it first.
Say hello to Tama. She ran a train station until her recent promotion to a railroad executive. She earns the equivalent salary of $150 a month, if you break down the average costs of her food, toys, special ceremonial clothing, …
Friday Zen: Making Unemployed Readers Angry Edition Read more »
This week’s Friday Zen is courtesy of fellow GS author Rottingcorpse, who has spent many a drunk night on the DC Metro…
This is a huge meme and I’m the last one to see it, right? Because, if not, why not?
by rottingcorpse On Saturday night, Nacho sent me a series of semi-panicked texts from which I eventually gathered he was screening a rare Italian version of the 1986 animated film Transformers: The Movie in HD. This being his first HD …
The important thing to note here is that it takes almost 30 minutes to tally up Arnold Schwarzenegger’s movie kill count: